Insert witty title here

Yesterday was a good day. A friend joined me for a nice long walk. Walking goes quicker when you have someone to talk to. We walked almost 3 miles. Eating has been going well. I have been logging all of my food and exercise. I need to get back into my workout routine. I have really been slacking in that department and I am kind of missing the gym. This weekend I am going to pick up a new pair of headphones and start back to the gym on Monday. I need to get back into a weight training routine. I would really love to start taking a kickboxing class. A real kickboxing class, not a cardio one.

I have been feeling really good about myself lately. My jeans are fitting much better and my energy levels are going back up. Increasing my eating has definitely helped. Guess my doctor really doesn't know what he is talking about.

A New Record.

I got the most amazing news this morning. I stepped on the scale and was down another 2 lbs. I am now at the the lowest I have been since I began my journey. I am only 3 lbs away from my mini goal of breaking 200. My weight has not been this low since before I got married (7 years ago). It feels so good! It is also helping me to continue making good choices.

Matt sent me a text and asked me what the plan for dinner was. I spent the entire day repainting our guest bathroom, so I did not make any dinner plans. He suggested we go to the Mexican Restaurant that we love. I told him to take the kids without me. I love Mexican food but I am not ready to tempt myself with it. Chips and Salsa sounds so good! But, I am going to pass.

42 lbs to go and I am there! I am so close, I can taste it  I can fit it!

Good Choices

I am down another pound this week. That makes me very happy. Seeing results always pushes me to strive to see more results.

Today I met a friend for lunch and was slightly nervous. Eating out is usually my downfall. I always give in and have the things that I shouldn't have and I get very enticed by the desserts. I was very proud of myself for the choices I made today with my eating. I decided beforehand that I would stick to a salad when I met my friend. The original plan was to go to a sandwich place that is in the building she works in. Instead, she recommended a nice place down by the Canal. Creation Cafe. The menu items looked SO good! I wanted so many different things; all bad things. I decided on a Waldorf Salad. Romaine lettuce, turkey, candied walnuts, dried cranberries, celery and blue cheese. Right before our food came out, I realized something. My salad had a lot of carbs in it thanks to those darn walnuts and cranberries. DANGIT! I decided to just eat around the cranberries and walnuts. Who likes those deliciously, tasty, sweet things anyway! ME, THAT'S WHO! I compromised. I ate a few of them (not even half). As much as it pains me, I ate around most of them. The salad was still pretty good. I passed on dessert, even though I really wanted some. I knew I had carbsmart icecream at home.

TIP: Instead of pouring your dressing over your salad, lightly dip your fork into the dressing before each bite. You eat much less dressing.

For dinner, I planned on making a roast. Correction, I DID make a roast. It was in the crockpot cooking and smelling good. At about 4:00pm Matt sent me a text:

Matt: Did you put the roast in the crockpot yet?
Me: Yup
Matt: Oh. I was gonna suggest we go to BJ's Brewhouse if you didn't.
Me: Oh.
Matt: Ok, let's just go anyway. Let the roast cook and we can have it tomorrow.
Me: Lol ok

So we ended up going out to eat, again! I looked over the menu and debated on Salmon or porkchops. Then I thought, "how hungry am I? Really?" I wasn't starving, so I ordered an appetizer instead. Thai Shrimp Lettuce Wraps. I definitely do not regret that decision. They were DELICIOUS! It felt good to not feel guilty for cleaning my plate. I passed on dessert again.

I did end up going slightly over my carb allowance today. I had 62g instead of my 50g. I am ok with that. It is still a lot better than the amount I was eating.

I am very happy about my choices today. The weekend will be the real challenge. I am hoping that I keep my determination and don't fall back into old habits.

Motivated, Motivated, Down Right Dedicated!

You check us out, you check us out....Smoooothhh!

I am happy to report that I am no longer at a stand still. I started back with Myfitnesspal (Melli907) on Monday and have stuck to it. I also took the dog for a 2.5 mile walk. I wanted to walk more but Savannah is getting old and got worn out faster than me, so I needed to take her home. This morning I hopped on the scale. To my (happy) surprise, I was 1 lb lighter. It doesn't sound like much but when you are working your buns off and not seeing anything, one pound can mean a lot. One pound can increase your motivation and your confidence in the things you are doing to loose weight. One pound or 20, it's a loss that I am VERY happy to report. This one pound is what I needed to keep me going. I was getting very discouraged that I stopped loosing, despite all of my efforts. Tomorrow I am meeting a friend for lunch, I plan on sticking to my low carb ways and making good choices.

I Get Knocked Down, But I Get Up Again.

And, I fell off the wagon again!

The good news is, I am back on it.

I'll start with a recap. I lost 50lbs between last summer and the beginning of this spring. However, I began eating poorly again. I was still going to the gym but my food choices were pretty bad. I began gaining some of the weight back. I kicked my butt back into gear and I am back at that 50 lbs mark.

I am at a standstill, AGAIN! I keep going up and down between the same 3 lbs. I hate these plateaus that I keep hitting. No matter how little I eat and how much I work out, I'm not loosing right now. GR! I went to my doctor to talk to him to see if maybe the problem was that I wasn't eating enough. He didn't seem to care that I was only getting 300 calories a day (after deducting my calories burned from working out). He said, if you burn more than you take in, you will loose weight. Maybe he's never heard of starvation mode. At the moment, I am convinced that that is what the issue is.

Today I am getting back into using myfitnesspal. I am going to work on eating around 1200 - 1300 (But no more) calories but keeping my carb intake under 50g. My husband and I used this app on our phone 2 years ago and it worked great! we both lost 30 lbs while using it (without exercise).

Some days I feel like I am a work horse and someone is dangling a carrot in front of my face. It's right within my grasp but no matter how much i walk towards it, I just can't grab it! I feel like I am so close to my goal but I can't get over this hump! I am only 40 lbs away. I lost is pretty easily the first time, I know I can do it again.

Even though I am at a stand still again, I still feel better about myself. A few years ago, we went to Holiday World with my in-laws. Grandpa and I were taking the kids on the Zinga. I know some of these rides have weight limits, but I did not expect to have to get on a scale before getting on the ride. The four of us stepped onto the giant scale and we were told that we would have to split up. I was mortified! I know where the extra weight came from. ME! I didn't want to ride anything else that day so I stayed with my husband in the kiddie pool and watched my youngest play. That trip was a big eye opener. I did not ever want to have to feel like that again. This past summer, we went back to holiday world. I may not be skinny, but I am a lot smaller than I was back then. I felt much better about myself while I was there. I felt like I could actually enjoy the park with my kids. It couldn't have come at a better time. My youngest is such a little man now. He didn't want to spend the whole day in the kiddie area (although he did want to play there a little). He wanted to ride the big rides. He could, he was tall enough. I didn't go back on the zinga but I did ride a lot of other rides.  My husband has the same fear at these parks that I do. We are scared that we are just to big. I am proud of him though. He bit the bullet and rode some of rides with the kids. I had a blast this year and can't wait to go back (hopefully another 40 lbs lighter this time).


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