The 2nd Half.

I am at my half way mark now. I have lost 40 pounds and have 40 more to go. Ideally, I would love to loose this 40 before June. That is plenty of time. If I get back to eating right, I should not have any problems getting there. As of right now, I'm at a stand still at 204.

Going to the gym is the easy part, it's changing my relationship with food that is hard. Have you ever noticed that food is like a best friend. It is there in times of sorrow and happiness. When there is a funeral, there is always food afterwards. When there is a celebration, there is always food. This is because food makes us feel good (even if it is temporary). I have to learn how to limit my friendship with food. Funny that I say that I have to "learn" to limit". I already know HOW to limit my food intake; eat less. I really just need to woman up and do it. Take a smaller slice of pie this holiday, and only 1 slice of pie. One serving (a real serving, not my idea of one) of dinner, lunch or breakfast. If I don't buckle down and change my eating habits, I might as well quit. That is NOT something I want to do. I am 6 months in, and let me tell you, I have never in my life worked this long and hard at my weight. My usual diet would last a week, if that. I am going to suck it up and do this!

I have mentioned before that I do interval cardio now. I alternate between walking 3 minutes and jogging 3 minutes. I do this for the entire 60 minutes. I tested myself once, towards the end of my cardio. I had 8 minutes left and it was at a jogging mark. I began jogging and I thought, "I wonder if I can jog for 5 minutes". Then I thought, "Hm, I wonder how long I can jog until I have to stop". I ended up jogging that last 8 minutes of my workout and I could have gone longer. My confidence went through the roof. It felt amazing to know that I could jog for that long. Gone are the days of running out of breath trying to keep up with my kids. Now are the days of running with them.

My trainer recently got a new client. My husband. His sessions are every Monday. Right now, he is in the stages of dreading it. I'm sure that will change with time (hopefully).
Speaking of my trainer, Diablo...
I had a training session last Tuesday. Usually we do chest workouts because that is what I work on every Tuesday. Really, it's because I hate the lunges and squats and all of the other crazy things Diablo makes me do when we do a leg workout. My plan was working great. Until Tuesday. He caught on to my scheme and decided we would do a leg workout that day (DAGNABBIT!!) We began with 3 sets of 15 at 195 lbs on the leg press. At first, I chuckled to myself, because I usually do 4 sets of 20 at 210 lbs. "This is going to be easy peasy", I thought. I THOUGHT wrong! After those 3 sets he changes the weight to 210 lbs and says, "Ok, you have 4 minutes to do 80 reps." Um.....WHAT? It was insane, but I did all 80 reps in 2.5 minutes. Sure it sounds great that I did them in almost half the time. But it didn't feel great at all! My legs were wobbly and I knew I was going to curse his name for the rest of the week. After the leg press he had me do 40 stationary lunges per leg. At that point I threatened to fire him (hehe). After the lunges he decided that he tortured me enough and we moved on to abs. At least the abs were bearable. Thanks to my wonderful leg workout, I could barely walk for the rest of the week. The pain was pretty intense. It didn't help that we went to Wisconsin to visit my sister for Thanksgiving and she lives up 2 flights of stairs.

Luckily, I am pain free today and ready to go back to the gym for some cardio. As for my trainer, he and I will talk about his actions at a later date (don't I wish it was that easy). :)

*FYI: I do not hate my trainer by any means. When I refer to him as Diablo, it is purely a joke. I am extremely grateful for all the help he has given me. I am very sore after our workouts, some more than others, I do know that it is a "good" hurt. It will all be is all worth it!


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